So far we are having a nice weekend here in Eastern Canada....until the rain came today (it's a long weekend for us)....but that won't stop us from doing what we have to.
I have chicken and stuffing going in the crockpot for supper. I would love to have turkey, being as it is thanksgiving, but my kids do not like turkey!!! I figured, what's the point, and settle for chicken and stuffing, mashed potatoes and veggies, and some kind of pumpkin dessert (haven't decided which to make yet)
This weekend has been tough on our oldest. I hesitated to post about it, but decided I would. She is almost 18, an excellent student, in French Immersion, works part-time, will graduate early from high school..etc....she has been dating a wonderful boy for 2 1/2 years. Up until they started dating, she wasn't all that interested in a boyfriend, and when she mentioned the idea of dating this guy, who at the time was 16 (almost 17) to her just 15, I said no. She asked if I would agree to meet him...I said okay, and that was it. They have been dating ever since...much to our surprise at first. Now he seems a part of the family. He is in his second year of university, taking business, and living at home, working part-time. Well, on the weekend, our daughter seemed sad. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she isn't sure what she wants anymore. She wants D to be a part of her life, but she doesn't know if she wants to be so serious at the moment...etc. We (DH and I) completely understand and told her to talk to D, and to explain how she feels. We know she is very young, has a wonderful future ahead of her,'s hard to see her sad like this, and I knew from the beginning this would most likely happen at some point, as they are just too young, but on the inside I am very sad (not telling daughter this). I really do think of D as part of the family, and will miss him greatly if they break up. I am not looking for negative comments by posting this, I am just a little sad for all involved today. I do not like change in our lives. Having someone drop in for 2 1/2 years and then probably will a change. I am glad that our daughter is mature enough to want to discuss her feelings with him, and I hope they at least end on some kind of good terms, should they do end their relationship.
Some of you may think it's shocking for a girl her age to have been dating someone so long, and had someone asked me 3 years ago if this would be the case with our daughter, I would has said definately no!! But one just never knows.
Thanks for listening, if you have read this far.
Have a great day!