Friday, August 29, 2008
Thank you for listening...I feel much better!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
If I may, I would appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts you can send my way. I have been having problems with my foot/ankle and it is not getting better...worse actually. I have to call the Dr this morning, she will have my x-ray results. I am nervous, very nervous....we all seem to think the worst of everything. If there are no conclusive results from this, I go for bloodwork.
UPDATE: Seems as though I have Plantars Fascitis. Painful is all I can say!
I will recover though...and hey, maybe a good reason NOT to do too much housework!! (More time to stitch)
Have a great day everyone!
Saturday, August 23, 2008

I cannot remember who designed this chart...and not sure if I even still have it! I like it though and plan on hanging it in my stairway to the family room.

This piece is a kit a bought of Charland Designs I think! It is 'Anne with and E"....and there is a sterling silver hat charm included. This is for my youngest DD. I had a few problems framing this one and it isn't completely how I want it, but I have to purchase a couple of things tomorrow.
I had wanted to frame my Halloween Fairy,who is now finished!! I have a nice frame, but still need to purchase a couple of things to complete that framing, so maybe tomorrow night I will show her.
My son is a homebody..much like myself (and my DH) and he likes to do work around the house/yard, for which he gets paid a bit. Yesterday he levelled off a piece of our backyard, hauled gravel in the wagon that attaches to our lawn mower, and today he and DH got some patio stones and a firepit! We've been wanting a fire pit for a long time, so after DS had it all set up, etc DH, our dog, DS and I went and enjoyed it! DD #1 was working late and DD#2 was at a sleepover, so we will try again tomorrow night and hopefully at least one DD will be there! LOL
Here are some photos of DS, the firepit, and DS and DH and Nallie dog around it....also, a photo of the back of our house from down at the firepit area.
Have a great night everyone!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Anyway, you all are going to be so sick of seeing my Fairy!! But, in my defense, I have a really sore foot/ankle (went to Dr yesterday about it) and I need to stay off it, SOOOO, I have been faithfully working on her.....

Have a great day everyone!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I have two pieces of fabric in my mom's sewing basket....I should actually take a photo of them, and I will one of these days....anyway, they are pink...they have some stitching on actually...zigzag lines.....and I did this when I was about 4 years old...I remember this...I was thrilled! It was the beginning of my love for "needlework". Over the years I have sewn clothes, done embroidery, crewel work, knit, crochet (okay that's not a needle,) and I also do swedish weaving. I am happier with a needle in my hand. Will this pass on to my kids? Somehow I don't think so......the only one of the three that can knit or cross-stitch is my son...he picked this up when he was about 10 (he's 14 now).....he picked it up while I was trying to show my daughter how to knit and cross-stitch....he doesn't do either now, but I know he can. Did he inherit some of his great-grandfather's talent? Who knows.....
I hope that the love for the needle continues on past my generation.......but even if it doesn't I know it gives me peace, does my heart good and gives me great joy.......
Have a nice day everyone!
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Hello bloggers!! I've been a bit busy this past week.....excuse some of the photos, I can't seem to edit them today for some reason, so you're stuck with what they actually looked like..LOL
Anyway, last Monday the youngest two and I headed out for a night away. Oldest was working, DH and our dog stayed home.....we drove to a Super 8 Motel about two hours from here.....and I do have to say, it was a nice little break. We did this a couple of years ago at a different Super 8.
This time I booked the room which included the gift card for supper, so we had supper and our breakfast looked after, which made the decisions much easier! We stopped to shop a bit along the way, as I had promised DS that he could get his Nike runners for school...he did, he was happy.
While at the Motel, I took advantage of the Hot Tub, and DD took advantage of the water slide. DS is at that age, where he just watched....LOL....but he still enjoyed it.

Just a bit more stitching and the beading and she will be done!!
Have a great day everyone...sorry it took me so long to update!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Dairy Queen for ice cream on the way into the city. Once in the city, we proceeded to the nearest parking garage and I paid, got my receipt and found a parking spot on the first level! (That was an amazing find actually). When we got to the Metro Centre, we parted ways with our friends, and decided to just meet up at the car later, as they had seats on the opposite side of the forum. The concert was really good...lots of mothers and daughters there. Since it was actually a first concert for both my girls, I let them get souviners. Youngest chose a hooded sweatshirt with Avril's name on it, oldest chose a poster for her room.
When the concert was over, we actually got out of the city very fast.....apparently not all people at the parking garage paid first, so they had to wait in a lineup to pay, and since I was parked on the bottom level, I got out before the majority of the crowd!! Great ending to a great night!!
Today I am taking my son and youngest DD away for a night...not sure where, but I think we will stay at a Super 8 motel. There are 3 possibilities to choose from. I also promised my son that he can pick out and purchase his new shoes for school, since he is feeling kind of left out with two sisters that are getting to do a couple of things. DH is going to come up with something fun for DS soon though.
Have a great day everyone and I will post sometime tomorrow after I return.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
So, tonight is concert night for my two daughters and myself! Back in April when tickets went on sale for Avril Lavigne, my youngest really REALLY wanted tickets, and for that matter, so did my older daughter. So we got them, and it is actually a first concert for BOTH daughters. It should be a fun night....into the city, supper in the city and then the concert!! I won't really feel too least one other mom is going with her daughter that I know..LOL MY concert is in September when I go to see ELTON JOHN!! Woohoo! Can't wait!!
Tomorrow my son and my youngest and myself are going off somewhere for the night. I feel so sorry for my son this summer....he's 14, very shy and not sure what he wants to do each DH can't go and oldest is working, so I decided I would take them away anyway. My son does not like amusement parks, etc, so doing that isn't an option. I found a deal at Super 8 Motel..(he does like their waterslides) and I think I will go that there is an LNS (local needlework store) if I go about 45 minutes further, the problem is, I don't know if I want to go 171 miles from home total..(I looked at the distance map). I am very familiar with the city the LNS is in, as I've been there several times, but always with DH or someone else.....the Motel is still in the same province, so I will have to think on this a bit more, but we will definately go to the motel. I wish I could take his bike, but the bike rack won't fit on my car and I don't want to drive DH van. (My son lives, thinks, breathes bikes of any kind...and bikes ALOT every day).
So, enough on this....have a great day everyone!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Thanks for everyones help!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Whatcha working on Wednesday...

Saturday, August 2, 2008

As I was sitting here, I wondered what I could show you today...and then I thought of it! The Tin Man! I purchased this Tin Man at a Farmers/craft Market last month. LESLIE, are you reading this???!! It is probably not that hard to make, but I knew that I would never attempt it, so I bought it. I don't think I will keep him in this little garden though, I think soon I will move him to the back yard...we'll see.
I don't know what today will bring. I had not planned on going into town, but my daughter just called and she needs something, so I will venture in there as soon as it becomes a reasonable hour of the morning to be out doing errands!
Tonight I am hoping for a BBQ. DH always does the BBQing, so that's even better!
Have a great day everyone!!
Marion (edited to add I had problems with the blog and couldn't publish the post until now)
Friday, August 1, 2008

Okay, this is a white curtain, on a white door, with white vinyl wallpaper....can we say TOO MUCH WHITE!! When we paint this hallway, it will be a beige colour probably, but I want some exciting window topper...I was thinking homespun?? Tell me...what would YOU do for a window covering??
This is the big window in our kitchen. These walls will probably have a blue tone to them of some kind...not sure...but blue is my colour in the kitchen....what would you do with this window? These curtains do not fit correctly and I'm just plain sick of them. Do I just do a topper? Do I ditch the mini blind? Do I do a topper and a bottom, or what?? This window is my biggest any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!
This is the other window in our kitchen...what would you do here?'s has to be blue of some kind.This is our back door, just off the kitchen, so it would have to kind of match the kitchen. The curtains are on the top and midway down....the glass goes from top to bottom. I might also add that I do like the sun shining in here, so I don't want one long window covering on this door.
Thanks for all your help!
A Key and a Cabinet.....

This cabinet sits in my kitchen, with my good china in it. I it belonged to my grandmother.....wife of the grandfather in above said key. I remember this cabinet very well. My grandmother did not have fine china, but she did have alot of china cups and saucers, which is mainly what she kept in it. It sat in the corner of her dining room. I'm honoured to have this now. I was the youngest grandchild and her namesake. I wonder how many more generations this key and china cabinet will live through????
Thanks for reading this....hope you enjoyed it...if you did, please leave a comment and let me know you visited.
Happy August 1 everyone! Have a great day.
Hugs, Marion