Thank you all for your comments...I really appreciate them!! I know we will be fine..we always are...and that job isn't DH's only source of income, he actually has his own business, so we will just have to incorporate benefits into that......god has a plan for all of us and we will survive. I just get stressed about things sometimes!
Anyway, I do have another finish!! I started this a couple of years ago and dug it out of the UFO pile and told myself..."Self, you are going to finish this!" I love this design, and hope to get it framed soon.....I'll give my framer a bit of a break, since he only frames in his spare time..LOL

Also, a few posts back I mentioned that I was doing a Mother's Day exchange with an online friend of mine......we were to make something, and then send something else we thought the other person would like......I made a pin cushion (Blackbird Designs) and FOB for her, and I included a couple of other things in her package, which for some reason I did NOT take a photo of?!

And, this is what I got from Terry! Look at that beautiful wool to make myself some cozy slippers! And a dish cloth, which she knitted, a sweet change purse, which she made herself, and two pairs of earrings, which her daughter made!! Thank you Terry!!

Anyway, enjoy your day's sunny here, so I am going to enjoy mine!