You had asked me what swedish weaving is...well....I do have a post somewhere on this blog, but not sure where....anyway, I have done several of these blankets...it's made with 2 yards of Monk's cloth and some varigated Red Heart yarn...and a needle...basically, you follow a pattern and weave the yarn in and out through the holes in the fabric and voila...you have your pattern! They are very cozy and warm blankets...and lots of fun to do. My cousin taught me about 1 1/2 years ago. This photo is my very first blanket, which is now in our family room.
Good night everyone!!
Thanks so much for explaining that marion and also for the pic!!! How neat!!! :)
Marion, just gorgeous!
Now, is this different from HUCK weaving?? I know how to huck weave and I'm not sure it's the same or not.
Oh yea...you've been tagged by me, but you have to go to my blog to get the rules of the taggin. LOL
holy moly... you must have a lot of patience!
Oh what a pretty blanket, I love the pattern!~Wendy
Well that is absolutely lovely! What a perfect project for winter. I will keep this in mind for next winter's sitting/hibernating season :-) Rosie
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