Yesterday as I was dusting things around the house, I got to reminiscing about years gone by. My son, who is still only 14 is the reason for this...let me explain....when he was younger, we spent ALOT of time visiting and staying with my parents in the town I grew up in (100 miles from here)..all of my children loved these visits and their grandparents...anyway, one of the privileges of going there was the fact that there was a Dollar Store within walking/biking distance for my son loved to go there.....he would sometimes bring me back goodies that he had purchased with love and the innocence of a young child.....I still have these treasures around my house....a dog ornament, a fridge magnet, a plant pot, a container to hold my coffee for my coffee maker,a lady figurine,a potpourri container that says "I LOVE YOU MOM...a candle...etc...and I realize now that these treasures have become a thing of the past...he has grown and has other interests. I will always look at these things with love...remembering how they came to be in my house. And I miss those days.
A thought to ponder.... My son.......he's growing up....
A thought to ponder.... My son.......he's growing up....

Your son has such a sweet face and a sweet heart to buy you such treasures over the years. My son will turn 19 in June. I don't even want to think about him going away to college. Time goes by too fast!
Time flys by so fast but it is wonderful that you have these memories of how much your son loved you and wanted to show you with his gifts. He may be in another stage right now but that too will pass and there will come a day when he will start bringing you gifts again to show you how much he appreciates you.
He is a handsome boy. Just keep telling him, how important he is to you.
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