It's a beautiful spring day, same as yesterday, however, for some odd reason, my mood is not sunny. I don't know why, there is nothing wrong, I just feel like I could either laugh or cry at any given moment. This will pass...it always does...
I'm sharing some photos of yesterday.....my tiny garden is sporting some of my summer accessories...solar lights, wind chimes and a bird bath....I got those out and set up yesterday.....while I was doing this...DS was on his dirt bike and DD was standing upside down on our swingset...(I never could do anything like that as a child, so not sure where she gets this from! LOL)
And my lillies are poking through the mulch!! Yippee!!!
Anyway, I really don't have an elaborate post today....off to drown my sorrows in some tea......take care everyone and have a great day!!!
oh no :(. I am sorry you aren't feeling too "sunny" today!!! I hope things get better! I have those times too...I will just cry at the drop of a hat! I love seeing all the pics though! Thank you for sharing them with us!!! xoxo
OH...and i wanted to tell you...i sent you a note in the mail...well..i just got it BACK today for not enough postage! LOL..so I will have to try again...i am so sorry!!!!
Marion, hope your spirits are up a little tonight.....check out my blog, I've got a good video on there...tomorrow will be a better day!
Sending a hug your way!
Hanging upside down on a swing, maybe not! Gymnastics of a sort in small cars during the teen years, yes!
I'm not sure if I should put that here, but memories came rushing back! You may delete this!
LOL, wouldn't delete that...it was part of our teen years!!
I wish I could borrow a little of your children's energy! It was beautiful here today but all I got done was taking my mom out for lunch. That was great but I should have been able to do more..... ah well, that's the way it goes.
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